Would you have guessed that wearing well-tailored dresses can help give you that upper edge you need in that big interview you have coming up?
Or that it can cause your coworkers to view you in a better light?
According to a study posted in the Journal of Business Research, the difference in how you dress can drastically change how you are viewed by others, especially in a work setting. In this particular study, researchers selected a group of more than 150 observers and showed them the same woman in the same scenario wearing different clothing (high quality with an identifiable brand, clothing with a cheap brand, and clothing with no brand).
The observers were also shown a video of the same woman interviewing for a job wearing the different clothing sets, and were asked to rate the woman on how capable they were for the job and how much they should be paid.
As observed in the study, researchers determined that wearing more elegant clothing had a direct impact on the observer’s perception of the interviewee’s attractiveness, which lent toward their credibility in the interview. Since the applicant was perceived as more attractive and likely to succeed, they were given the job more often. On top of this, it was deemed fitting that the well-dressed woman should get paid more than the others, even though it was the same exact person. The main takeaway: Whether you want to look good on a date or are interviewing for that dream job you always wanted, dressing in finely crafted clothing can make all the difference in helping deliver the result you want to achieve.
Here at Lavanya Coodly, we work around the clock to provide finely crafted clothing for both men and women. In regards to our women’s selection, we focus on designing clothes that speaks to all types of sophisticated women. Those who travel, commit their time to charity, and support the fine arts. Those that work, appreciate theater, and enjoy listening to music and relaxing with their family. Regardless of your life style, if you want to stand out and be well-dressed, this is the right place for you.
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